no sleep? no problem.

Today I will make a full pot of coffee. I will dash a little cinnamon in my freshly ground beans. I will watch the sunrise, casting giant reflections on my wall through the windows. A delicate pink glow. I haven’t slept in days, maybe weeks. It started out sporadic and has become consecutive nights in a row. I fall asleep and a few hours later I’m awake. Plagued by unsettling dreams, my body getting hot and then cold. Blankets on, blankets off, just the sheet, no sheet… goosebumps… and so on. No sleep can make you feel delusional. I ran from a giant, fat moth last night. It was chasing me, coming at me franticly with sporadic, wild wings. It could have been a bat or a night bird or…. I screamed and backed away from it only to tumble and fall onto the pavement. Scrapping the palm of my hand, that stingy burn that makes you feel like an eight year old who just fell off their bike. My to-go coffee cup and cell phone were spread across the sidewalk. I jumped up and quickly looked around, did anyone see? Surely they would ask if I was alright. Surely they might think I was a crazy woman. Seeing only my reaction and most likely, not the moth. As if knowing about the moth would make them think me any less crazy. I laughed hysterically the whole drive home replaying the incident over and over.

I am hysterical. That is, I feel like my life is in hysterics at the present moment. It’s my insomnia. It’s visiting, uninvited and won’t go away. It likes my new loft. Thinks its cozy, cool, and makes lots of interesting noises. It is like a needy, annoying, and often rude acquaintance trying desperately to be my best friend. How do you even know me? Why do you always know where to find me? Are you spying on me? Are you maybe a little scary? Your desire to be around me possibly a little dangerous? Yes, yes and yes!

Insomnia makes me itchy. When I am that tired, over tired, so tired that I can’t sleep even if my insomnia decided to take a load off for the night, I get itchy. My eyes, my skin, my scalp all itches. And then I get a stuffy nose and sometimes I start sneezing and then my eyes water like fountains. And they burn. They burn from rubbing and from being open too long and from the night air that they are not supposed to be so exposed to drying them out. They burn. They look the way they feel and feel the way they look. I am allergic to insomnia. My body rejects it as sleep rejects my body. It is a vicious sickness. I’m all glassy eyed and zombie like. I have a hard time laughing at what I think is funny, thanking someone for what they’ve done that’s so kind, annunciating my words, clearly verbalizing my feelings, thoughts and opinions. It appears I only have one emotion. One expression. One speed. A zombie. For sure.

I would like my unwelcome guest to leave. Go on a vacation, go home, go for a long drive, get lost, go for a swim, go to the moon, go to the market, go to the movies, go to the park, go to their favorite aunts house, go to a cabin in the woods, go for a run, go for a bike ride, go for a hike, let out some energy, get tired. Take a rest.

dreams go viral

i go to sleep and my mind has other plans
unable to rid itself from the chaos
i wake up disturbed
i feel unsafe and worried
like I am searching
like I’ve spent my whole life searching
i wake up so eager to remove the layers of 
 the night off of me 
i nearly jump out of my bed
other times I lay there in some form of disbelief 
is something haunting me
trying to tell me something
should I be listening
piecing together the bits and pieces I am 
 able to take away 
body parts
fragmented violence
disheveled uncertainty 
a frenzy of panic 
never quiet
a freeway of voices 
too many at once, too far away to articulate
turning my bed into a pool of deep water
the world is ending
ghosts have taken over
silent and unseen
stay indoors
keep to yourself
unsure of the air
strangers look stranger and more familiar
i say keep your distance and we are the same
afraid of one another and connected 
fear is contagious
hold your breath
you are holding your breath
hold it
hold it
hold it
it is all that is safe to hold

when everything stops

Wake up
Go to sleep
Wake up
Go to sleep
Wake up

Days go by in an instant
Weeks are a blur
Monday is Wednesday is Friday is Monday again
Do not give up

Sit outside on the porch
Just to feel the sun on your face
Close your eyes

You’re at the beach
Sand on your towel
Waves close by
Salty air
You read a book 
You packed grapes
They feel like cool marbles on your tongue

Close your eyes
You're at the top of a mountain peak
You give an exhausted and accomplished exhale
You lay on rock warmed by the sun
Sweat cooling on your neck and down your chest
You have a chill
The air feels clean, untouched

Close your eyes
You’re at your parents house
Your sisters are there
Children running
Childhood memories
You put your head on your mothers shoulder
Your hand in your sisters hand
You roll your eyes at your father 
You hug him when you leave

Close your eyes
You’re in bed with your lover
You hold hands
You hold one another
You hold gazes
Limbs entangled
You drink coffee until 3 o’clock
You make dinner
Replace mugs with wine glasses
Spend 4 hours in the kitchen

Wake up
Go to sleep
Wake up
Will it be warm enough to walk today
Maybe you could take a drive 
It’s the weekend

Go to sleep
Don’t think about having dreams
What you dreamt about before
What you might dream about
That show you watched
The friend from ten years ago who reached out
The picture of an ex lover you scrolled by
Old photographs 
Old letters
Old you
Where you belong
Where you don’t
Where you are going
Where you are not
What can you do
Don’t just look at the blackness
See it

Life is at a standstill 
Can you stand still
Sit still
Lay still
Be still

You can’t go there
You can’t see them
You can’t touch that
You can’t 
You can’t

You can be 